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Manius Maximus

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Manius Maximus Empty Manius Maximus

Post  Sergeant Salem Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:22 pm

Name:Manius Maximus
Description:Almost 'tanklike" build taller than most Nords and larger than any Orc, Dark black hair in a military cut as noticable scars across his head from various weapons he as meet with also has scars across his arms and forarms
Skill Set: Block (2.7) One Handed (2.5) Heavy Armor (1.Cool Hand to Hand (1.5) Smithing (1.5)
Personality: Fearless, eager to fight, instant friendship with any fellow soldiers (including enemy)
Biography:Manius was nine years old when he first set eyes on his father,his father was an Imperial soldier in the Legion. While his father was off battling the Great war Manius spent almost all of his time with the local smith Trevas when he could. When he became of age he joined the legion (against his mother's will) and quickly showed he was fit to be a heavy soldier, once he was fiited his armor he was given a squad to become a part of. He fit in instantly, but unfortunetly the majority of his squad was killed in a skirmish with some Stormcloaks (the stormcloaks didn't make it either) he was later assigned to Legate Primus, where he and seven other soldiers took on a dragon and won over by Dawnstar. He now works Whiterun as a smith for the city,also trying to convince Balgruuf to side with the legion.
Notes:He made and sports a sheild almost bigger than him with a dragon head in the middle of the sheild's face with a sharpened rim for dual purposing the sheild.
PoB:Imperial City Cyrodiil
Sergeant Salem
Sergeant Salem

Posts : 435
Join date : 2012-06-09

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